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Real time tweaker


Piloto Formula 3
6 de Noviembre de 2012
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Hey. I have 2004 mod CSM and I want to change the onboard view angles and position. How can I do it?
Actually I want that every time I enter in the game the cams would be in with the same angles and positions that I've put!
I've tried as much as I can but it still unchanged...


Piloto Formula 2
27 de Julio de 2013
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I´m not an Tweaker Expert...... i´ve found a way to change the Onboard & T-Cam Settings in the gp4tweak.ini (located in your install Folder Grand prix 4\GPSAVES\Carsets\then your 2004 Mod Folder (can be for example Season 2004) you´ll found (hopefully :)) the Folder Tweaker with the gp4tweak.ini.

BE CAREFUL to change !!!!

Here an Example what you maybe find inside:
OnboardCamera = 1 ; set to 1 to enable onboard camera position tweak
OnboardCamEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable onboard camera position edit mode
ViewAngleCam = 1 ; set to 1 to enable onboard camera view angle tweak
ViewAngleEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable onboard camera view angle edit mode
HelmetPos = 1 ; set to 1 to enable helmet position tweak
HelmetPosEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable helmet position edit mode
SteerPos = 1 ; set to 1 to enable external steer position tweak
SteerPosEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable external steer position edit mode
ArmsPos = 1 ; set to 1 to enable driver arms position tweak
ArmsPosEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable driver arms position edit mode
SlipStream = 1 ; enable/disable slipstream effect tweak
SlipPlayer = 0 ; enable/disable slipstream affect to player car only (SlipStream must activated)
FFEffect = 0 ; enable/disable force feedback effects (GP4 v1.02 only)
FFEffectGP4v100 = 0 ; enable/disable ff effects on GP4 v1.00 (may produce weird effects!)
FFEngineVib = 0 ; enable/disable ff engine vibration effect (FFEffect must activated)
FFTrackEdgeBump = 0 ; enable/disable ff track edge bump effect (FFEffect must activated)
CustomVisor = 0 ; enable/disable custom helmet visor textures
VisorDirtEffect = 0 ; enable/disable visor dirt effects (CustomVisor must activated)
VisorDirtPlayer = 0 ; enable/disable visor dirt displayed on player car only
CptSteerPos = 1 ; set to 1 to enable cockpit steering-wheel position tweak
CptSteerPosEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable cockpit steering-wheel position edit mode
CptDashPos = 1 ; set to 1 to enable cockpit dash position tweak
CptDashPosEdit = 1 ; set to 1 to enable cockpit dash position edit mode

By the way i´ve one Question please :
When i´m closing the Mod and return to the CSM Menu and restart the Mod all Onboard/T-Cam changes are gone :burla:
......Were can i save the settings ?:oops:

Thank you for all replies.:cerveza:
Arriba Pie