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Magic Data and max speed


Piloto Formula 2
16 de Agosto de 2012
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Hi guys. I would like to get a car speed that has the ability to approach at least 350 km/h on a straight (where possible) on all circuits. For example, on the Monza straight I reached 347, while on the more straight serpent of Spa I reached 317. It does not seem real to me. I rummaged through the Magic Data, trying to modify some parameters, but I do not seem to have obtained significant differences. I modified the "Downforce" and the "Wing level" hoping to increase the max speed of the cars, but I had no effect. Where am I wrong? Thanks in advance.


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Miembro del equipo
Supporter VIP
20 de Agosto de 2011
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Have you ever tried using a (differentiated) setup for each track? What package of performances and physics have you been using? these final speeds are not compatible with my package and neither of Gitanes. :ok:


Piloto Formula 2
16 de Agosto de 2012
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Hi. The story was born like this: I had 5 GP4 folders each with different circuits but, in the end, I created only one with 70 circuits. This is because I do not play alone (also because I do not have the time), but sometimes the night I run against a friend on the LAN with a cross cable. So from time to time we choose a circuit and recall it with the Patch in slot 1 (Melbourne). I even deleted the list of circuits from "MenuData/PC/GP2001/GP2001_language.When you go to select the circuit, only one is displayed: the one you have chosen. Unfortunately I use only one generic performance file that I try to modify to improve the situation, but it is practically impossible, in fact I am testing on each circuit to differentiate the performance files and make sure that the opponents are not too slow or unreachable. What I do not understand is why the car has maximum different speeds circuit. The physics file is called F1_2018 which was given to me, I am very satisfied with the physical one.
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